Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Liberal Rhetoric 101: Ganging Up On Opponents

Pop quiz for my conservative friends: Have you ever gotten into a debate, probably online, with a liberal friend? Has it ever been a one on one debate? Yeah, me neither.

Liberals use a similar convincing tactic that Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses.  They gang up on an opponent, primarily using Appeal to Ridicule, but also just as often they use Argument from Verbosity or Elephant Hurling (throwing up dozens of arguments so that the opponent cannot get a solid foothold on the debate). 

Ultimately the goal of this tactic is, as most liberal rhetorical tools, to shut up your opponent. I dealt with this for years growing up, starting with 8th Grade Honors Social Studies. I was the sole conservative in the class, or at least the sole vocal conservative in class filled with good-intentioned, cockeyed liberals. Occasionally we'd end up in debates on modern culture, politics, etc. The teacher (who I will call Mrs. Z.) , in an effort to give all students a chance to talk, would attempt to let all have the chance to talk about their opinion. Unfortunately for me, that meant responding to about ten points when my turn came around. Thankfully, Mrs. Z gave me time to respond, but I still had to deal with ten issues. 

This continued for many years in school with the same cast of characters. The only exception was in AP History in 11th Grade where the teacher, Mrs. T, gave me and my conservative compatriots (I guess I convinced a few people along the way) equal response time. 

Then came Facebook and the Facebook Debate. Now I was entering in debates with multiple parties and finding myself ganged up on. One friend, who we'll call John, was fond posting statements and articles just to bait a debate...and John's liberal friends would join in on the attempted gang attack. This leads to one of two options.

Option One: Attack from two points. Reminiscent of Robert E. Lee at the Battle of Chancellorsville, the two liberals will give different attacks at the same time, causing their opponent to have to divide their attention (and search for sources). 

Option Two: The "Me Too" tactic. In this case, a less informed liberal will attach himself to the other, more informed liberal's argument and try to throw in a few other details in support or simply ridicule the conservative.

Ultimately, the answer to this tactic is threefold. One, take your time. Don't fight their fight. Respond as you can as thoroughly as you can. Two, call them out on this tactic and demand they give you the chance to respond. Three, bring in some help. Don't try to engage in a five on one debate. Bring in a friend or two to back you up. Even the odds, at least somewhat. 

In the end, liberal rhetoric isn't based on facts, so they have to use other tactics to win a debate.  Ganging up is a favorite. But, like all aspects of liberal rhetoric, we can defeat them with sound reasoning.

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