About the Editor Christopher Bastedo lives in
Upstate New York where he is a member of his local Tea Party and active
in his local Assembly of God church. He leads a small group Bible study
with fellow blogger the JC Freak. He holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communications from the State University of New York's College at Brockport.
He currently works in sales for a Fortune 500 company. His
past employment include managing a restaurant and a retail store as well as working in advertising sales. He married his wife in 2013. The happy couple expects their first child summer of 2015.
Notes About My Blog
I do my best to create fact-based arguments, certain items on posts are
simply my opinion. Think of this blog as fact-supported editorial
writing. I'll tell you when I'm quoting facts and I will cite them
unless the statement is so logical that it doesn't require it.
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