It's the back and forth debate within the Republican Primary fight. Romney says Gingrich is unelectable. Gingrich says Romney is unelectable. Santorum is saying both Romney and Gingrich are unelectable. My friends, I've said it before and I'll say it again...LOOK WHO THE DEMCRATS ARE RUNNING!
My friends, the Democrat Party announced a long time ago that they were going to nominate, again, a man who promised that unemployment wouldn't go above 8% if we passed his stimulus package. It's been above 8% since before the Stimulus was passed and now we're told that 8.6% is a good thing, nearly three years later. Yet the Democrats intend to run Obama.
The Democrat Party is planning to nominate, again, a man whose signature bill, Obamacare, is so very unpopular that he doesn't dare talk about it. The most recent AP Poll on the subject gives Obamacare a 29% approval and an opposition of 49%. That's staggering, friends. Yet the Democrats still plan to run Obama.
The Democrat Party is planning to nominate, again, a man whose approval rating hasn't been above 50% since May of 2011 and was only over 50% approval for 18 days total across the entire year of 2011, and five of those days was the week we killed Bin Laden. Again, staggering, friends. Yet the Democrats still plan to run Obama.
The Democrat Party is planning to nominate, again, a man whose approval rating with Independents is now 41%, the group that Obama needs to get reelected. 41% can't win this for Obama. He NEEDS the middle. Conservatives do of this year, 40% of Americans consider themselves conservative as opposed to 35% moderate and 21% liberal. So conservatives need only to pick up 11% of the third of Americans who call themselves moderate, while a liberal needs to gain nearly all of them. Yet 59% of moderates disapprove of Obama. Yet the Democrats still plan to run Obama.
The Democrat Party is planning to nominate, again, a candidate who is now trying to blame Congress for not accomplishing anything, when he had two full years with a majority in Congress and he got every policy his heart desired enacted, without positive result. Yet the Democrats still plan to run Obama.
The Democrat Party is planning to nominate, again, a candidate who has approval of over 50% in only 12 states according to a compilation of Gallup's 2011 Approval Polls. Twelve. Add in DC, that's only 176 electoral votes worth, nearly 100 short of what he needs to be reelected. Even if he wins in the four states where he's at exactly 50% (a true tossup if I ever saw one), he's still well short. Meanwhile, states where Obama is at 48% approval or lower are worth 311 electoral votes, a win with 40 electors to spare. (More analysis on this in the coming days). Yet the Democrats still plan to run Obama.
Friends, there is an unelectable candidate in the mix here. His name is Barack Obama. Every one of the Republican candidates can beat Obama, and beat him in a landslide. 2008 was their year. This is our year. 2008 was their time. This is our time. Game on.
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