Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Mitt's Not Inevitable, But He's Getting There

The Romney campaign has spent most of the Republican Primary campaign telling us Mittens is inevitably going to be the nominee. He's not inevitable, yet...but he's getting there.

Some Tea Partiers have flown into a state of complete panic, others have actually come around to the idea and are accepting the idea of a Romney candidacy. Those who are in complete panic need to step back and breath for a moment. They need to stop with the claims that Romney is worse than Obama. It's a ridiculous point. Mittens may not be as conservatives as we hoped, but he's not a radical socialist, either.

Then there are those who believe Mittens is the only candidate who can beat Obama.  There's also those who believe Mittens couldn't beat Obama.  I've stated more times than I can enumerate that Mittens would beat Obama, as would Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, and a radish.

But Mittens isn't yet the inevitable nominee. I know he's saying that Senator Santorum can't mathematically beat him, same for Gingrich. This isn't QUITE true, but it is unlikely. It's also rather possible that Mittens can't get the magic number of 1,140 delegates. With the large number of conservative delegates that will be in Tampa, it's very possible Newt or Santorum to be the choice of a brokered convention.

Ultimately the game isn't over. It might not be over until the convention. Either way, let the fur fly now, but friends, we must back the GOP nominee once all is said and done. Even if it's a stopgap candidate like Mittens.  Especially because Mittens is going to need to take a dyed in the wool conservative for his running mate. So even if Mittens is a stopgap, his VP would be next in line. It's better to stop Obama, even if we can't fully implement the level of conservative policies we need. So let's back up the GOP nominee, even if it's Mittens. Either way, remember, the Democrats are going to run Obama.

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